1958 Porsche 928 cars for sale in Florida

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1986 Porsche 928  1986 Porsche 928 S 2dr Hatchback -Ready to drive.... FULL MAINTENANCE RECORDS

1986 Porsche 928 1986 Porsche 928 S 2dr Hatchback -Ready to drive.... FULL MAINTENANCE RECORDS


Cocoa, Florida

Year 1986

Make Porsche

Model 928

Category Hatchback

Mileage 92000

Posted Over 1 Month

This vehicle is eligible for up to $50,000 in Vehicle Purchase Protection in the event that you never receive after you have paid for it or sent a refundable deposit.To qualify for Vehicle Purchase Protection you must be the winning bidder or an auction or click the Buy It Now button directly on the eBay site. Additional eligibility may apply.Please refer to the full terms, conditions and restrictions CONTACT J R 321 872 4285 FOR MORE INFO OR TO BUY THIS CAR NOW VEHICLE VALUATIONS HERE COURTESY OF HAGERTY.COM1986 Porsche 928 S2dr Coupe 8-cyl. 4644cc/234hp Bosch FI $17,300 Avg. Value*Only $361 per year to insure this classic with Hagerty** – that's less than $185 every 6 months. Quote Your ClassicPrefer doing business in person? Connect with an agent in your areaJump To: Current & Historical Values Vehicles for Sale VIN Decoder Articles & VideosMODEL OVERVIEWHistory of the 1978-95 Porsche 928 Engineers were given free rein to "invent" the newest Porsche, and plans for the 928 began in October 1971, with a basic design finalized in 1972. And what a design it was, especially within the walls of a company that had in its 30-year history built nothing but cars with a small engine placed behind the driver. But if America was the target market, a front-engined, rear-wheel-drive V8 Grand Touring car certainly made sense. The 928 debuted in March 1977 at the Geneva Auto Show, and while Porsche purists bristled at the thought of such a pedestrian layout, the new car received much acclaim. The $28,000 928 borrowed no parts from other Porsches, and its shape was like nothing else--a futuristic design with a low, wide stance, a long, sloping hood, a sharp nose, and an evenly rounded rump. "Telephone dial" wheels completed the package. At the time, design head Tony Lapine stated that "a car which is liked immediately will not hold up over time." Porsche had designed a long shelf life into its latest creation, and at the same time had handsomely incorporated 5-mph safety bumpers front and rear. The body made use of collapsible polyurethane pieces over front and rear hidden bumpers, with aluminum doors, hood, and front fenders, and steel for the remaining panels. Though now commonplace, at the time, trying to coat such differing materials with a uniform paint job was a feat of ingenuity. Beneath the handsome and complicated skin lay an advanced and well-balanced powertrain. A 90-degree, all-aluminum, 16-valve, 4.5-liter V8 with Bosch Continuous Injection System (CIS) fuel delivery produced 219 hp and 254 ft-lb of torque. It was mated to a fully synchronized rear transaxle with either a 5-speed manual or optional 3-speed automatic, and weight distribution was nearly perfect at 51%/49%, front to rear. Suspension was fully independent all around, and Porsche worked hard to perfect the 928's rear suspension, which would allow it to accommodate over-aggressive drivers without the erratic tendencies of snap oversteer. The resulting "Weissach Axle" was an engineering breakthrough, a multi-link setup that made the 928 one of the best handlers in the world. The cabin was nothing short of plush, with supportive leather seats, an ingenious tilt steering/instrument binnacle, and all the comforts of a true luxury GT. And it could move, too, with 0 to 60 mph coming in just over 7 seconds, with a top speed over 135 mph. By the time the 4.7-liter 928 S arrived in 1983, the car was rated at 146 mph, making it the fastest in America. Displacement, power, and top speed increased as production continued, with a 5.0-liter appearing in 1985, as well as revised brake and suspension components and a 4-speed automatic to replace the 3-speed. A 928 S4 debuted in 1987, now with 316 hp, and a 928 GT entered the fold in 1989, complete with a limited-slip differential and available only with a 5-speed. The 928 GTS replaced both the S4 and GT for 1993. It featured freshened bodywork and a bigger 5.4-liter engine now putting out 345 hp and capable of 170 mph. It also cost nearly $85,000. By this time, the 928 had practically disappeared from the American market. Sales had fallen dramatically, and Porsche redoubled its efforts on the 911, which had weathered the regulatory storm mostly unscathed. In all nearly 61,000 928s were built during the car's 17-year tenure. Even by today's standards, it is a competent, comfortable GT, and a well-sorted one will offer plenty of high-speed thrills over continental distances."> By the early 1970s, it was clear that increasingly tough and complicated emissions and safety regulations were going to change the American automotive market’s landscape. And since America was Porsche's biggest market, higher-ups reasoned it was only a matter of time before such restrictions hampered the sales appeal of their 911. By developing an entirely new Porsche, one with all the latest federal regulations already incorporated, Porsche hoped to meet the new standards head on. In the meantime, if the Stuttgart company had to kill the 911 because of such standards, it would be prepared to transition. Engineers were given free rein to "invent" the newest Porsche, and plans for the 928 began in October 1971, with a basic design finalized in 1972. And what a design it was, especially within the walls of a company that had in its 30-year history built nothing but cars with a small engine placed behind the driver. But if America was the target market, a front-engined, rear-wheel-drive V8 Grand Touring car certainly made sense. Show All...1986 Porsche 928 S Info 0" style="box-sizing: border-box; display: inline-block; font-family: "HelveticaNeueW01-47LtCn 692686", sans-serif; font-size: 1rem; line-height: 1.25em; list-style: none; margin: 0px 0px 20px; padding: 0px 10px 0px 0px; vertical-align: top; width: 475.188px;">Body Styles2dr Coupe 0" style="box-sizing: border-box; display: inline-block; font-family: "HelveticaNeueW01-47LtCn 692686", sans-serif; font-size: 1rem; line-height: 1.25em; list-style: none; margin: 0px 0px 20px; padding: 0px 10px 0px 0px; vertical-align: top; width: 475.188px;">Engine Types8-cyl. 4644cc/234hp Bosch FI8-cyl. 4664cc/310hp Bosch FI8-cyl. 4957cc/288hp Bosch LH-Jetronic FICURRENT & HISTORICAL VALUESView current vehicle values and see how they’ve changed over time in 3-year, 5-year and to-date intervals. Compare these values to other vehicles and benchmark financial indices.Current Values#1 Concours$43,400Condition #1 vehicles are the best in the world. The visual image is of the best vehicle, in the right colors, driving onto the lawn at the finest concours. Perfectly clean, the vehicle has been groomed down to the tire treads. Painted and chromed surfaces are mirror-like. Dust and dirt are banned, and materials used are correct and superbly fitted. The one word description for #1 vehicles is "concours."#2 Excellent$26,100#3 Good$17,300#4 Fair$8,900Value Adjustments-20% for auto.About Hagerty's Condition Ratings | About Our Prices3 YEAR5 YEARALLValue Change Over Time 0" style="background: url("") 60% 50% / auto no-repeat;">May 2014Sep 2014Jan 2015May 2015Sep 2015Jan 2016May 2016Sep 2016Jan 2017




Fort Lauderdale, Florida

Year 1983

Make Porsche

Model 928

Category Hatchback

Mileage 80140

Posted Over 1 Month

Freddy Gibson (954) 842-9665 4651 SW 51st ST • Suite #803 Davie Florida 33314 ? ? ? ? ?Directions to Dealer ?Contact Us 1983 Porsche 928 S Signature Motorsports Contact Signature Motorsports Corp 4651 SW 51st ST Suite #803 Davie Florida 33314 View Map Ask for:Freddy Gibson Contact: ?Contact Us Primary Phone:(954) 842-9665 Vehicle Information VIN: WP0JB0925DS860649 Stock: Mileage: 80,140 Color: Brown Trans: Engine: 4.7L V8 MPG: Drivetrain: RWD Description THANK YOU FOR YOUR INTEREST IN OUR VEHICLE. FOR MORE INFORMATION PLEASE CONTACT OUR SALES TEAM AT 954.588.4204 OR YOU CAN EMAIL US AT [email protected] ... ALL OUR INVENTORY CAN BE VIEWED AT WWW.SIGNATUREMOTORSPORTS.COM Options and Standard Features Options ? Antenna Type - Power ? Cruise Control ? Driver Seat Power Adjustments ? Exterior Mirrors - Power ? Front Air Conditioning ? Front Fog Lights ? Front Seat Type - Bucket ? Front Wipers - Intermittent ? Power Adjustments ? Power Door Locks ? Power Steering ? Power Windows ? Rear Wiper ? Steering Wheel - Tilt-Adjustable ? Steering Wheel Trim - Leather ? Tachometer ? Tinted Glass ? Tonneau Cover ? Trip Computer ? Upholstery - Cloth ? Wheel Diameter - 16 Inch ? Wheel Type - Alloy ? Window Defogger - Rear Basic Information VIN Number: WP0JB0925DS860649 Style Name: 2 Dr Hatchback Make: Porsche Model: 928 Model Year: 1983 Vehicle Trim: S HATCHBACK Interior Color: Tan Exterior Color: Brown Body Type: Hatchback Engine Engine Description: 4.7L V8 Fuel Type: Gas Fuel Induction: FI Valves Per Cylinder: 2 Aspiration: Normal DriveTrain Drive Train Type: RWD ? ? Terms & Conditions Your bid constitutes a legally binding contract to purchase this vehicle. Please do not bid if you're not seriously interested or financially able to purchase this vehicle. Please read eBay's User Agreement. Please note, all winning bids will charged a Dealer Fee of $489.00 We reserve the right to cancel any and all bids at our discretion, or end the auction early if vehicle is no longer available for sale. Signature Motorsports Corp. has done our best to disclose all information known about this vehicle for auction. Signature Motorsports Corp. welcomes a buyer’s inspection. If you plan to have a buyers inspection, please make sure you inspect the vehicle prior to the auction ending. Inspection fees if any are Buyers responsibility. This vehicle is being sold "as is” without any warranty, either expressed or implied. Manufacturers’ warranties may still apply. No representations or warranties are made by seller, nor are any representations or warranties relied upon by bidders in making bids. Out of state buyers are responsible for all state, county, city taxes and fees, as well as title service fees in the state that the vehicle will be registered. All taxes and fees must be paid in full in order for vehicle to be titled and registered. If payment is made by cashier's checks or wire transfer we will hold all titles funds have cleared We do not ship, but we recommend a partner, VETERAN TRANSPORT LOGISTICS At VETERAN TRANSPORT LOGISTICS, they specialize in moving just about any type of vehicle. So be it your stylish new sports sedan or SUV (Sports Utility Vehicle), a vintage or a luxurious car, everything can be safely transported to your desired destination in a hassle-free way. In fact, their area of operations goes beyond national borders and extends to number of foreign countries. Call Daniel at 561-900-5182 to get free auto transport Quote. Fee and Tax Information: We require a $500.00 Paypal deposit upon BUY IT NOW completion of the listing, that deposit is NON REFUNDABLE. We are not responsible if your financing doesn't go through as planned or if your funds are not available to complete transaction within the given time agreed on purchase. Copyright © 2017 Auction123 - All rights reserved. - Disclaimer +- Auction123 (a service and listing/software company) and the Seller has done his/her best to disclose the equipment/condition of this vehicle/purchase. However, Auction123 disclaims any warranty as to the accuracy or to the working condition of the vehicle/equipment listed. The purchaser or prospective purchaser should verify with the Seller the accuracy of all the information listed within this ad. Selling a Vehicle? Create Professional Listings Fast and Easy. Click Here!

Trim S




Pompano Beach, Florida

Year 1988

Make Porsche

Model 928

Category Hatchback

Mileage 71935

Posted Over 1 Month

View Free AutoCheck ReportYou Should Know What They Know! Over 5 million AutoCheck reports are run by consumers, dealers and auto auctions each month. Warranty Information AS IS - No Warranty Terms & Conditions Winning bidder must contact us within 24 hours of auction end, and make arrangements for payment at that time. A $1,000.00 deposit is due within 24 hours of end of auction. The remainder is due within 7 days of auction end. If no contact is made within 24 hours we reserve the right to re-list the vehicle, sell it to the next high bidder, or sell it otherwise. Most banks and credit unions do not finance vehicles older than 2005 or with more than 100K miles. Make sure if financing that your financial institution accepts the year and miles of this vehicle before bidding. Please arrange financing prior to bidding. If you wish to have the vehicle inspected, please contact us to make arrangements prior to biding on or making an offer on the vehicle. If you win an auction or we accept an offer you have made, the vehicle is yours. There will be no post-sale inspections allowed. $395.00 USD Dealer Fee applies to All vehicles sold, no exceptions. Buyer is responsible for pickup or shipping of this vehicle. If you wish to have it shipped using a service, we recommend you search online for vehcile shippers or we can assisit you in finding a shipper.If you are not sure about something, please ask! Do not assume anything not listed is included. We reserve the right to cancel bids for excessive negative feedback. We reserve the right to end the listing if the vehicle is no longer available for sale. Please do not bid on this auction unless you are serious about owning this vehicle. All non-paying high bidders will be reported to eBay, and negative feedback will be posted. PLEASE ONLY BID WHAT YOU ARE WILLING TO PAY. IF THE RESERVE IS NOT MET, WE MAY CONTACT THE HIGH BIDDER TO OFFER THE SECOND CHANCE OPTION.Fee and Tax Information: Dealer Fee $395.00 Local Taxes and Registration Fees Apply in the State of Florida. About Us We are a licensed Florida dealer that concentrates on wholesale transactions. We specialize in late model european cars with no stories. We buy and sell pristine automobiles. Hans Kasierski has over 52 years experience in the automobile business and as founder of Can Am Motorcars and former dealer principal of Downtown Fine Cars in Toronto Canada (Porsche, Audi, Volkswagen) still adheres today to high integrity and honesty in all business transactions. Dustin Coploff has over 18 years experience in the automobile business has extensive experience in luxury automobiles. Honesty and integrity are high priority in business and personal agenda. Your satisfaction during and after your purcahse are utmost important factor in all of our dealings!! Our company has been in the same location for over 19 years and plan to stay providing you with high quality autos, integrity and service satisfaction for many years to come. Thanks in advance for your business, we hope to serve you soon!!See our other listingsDisclaimer: This auction is a legally binding contract to buy this vehicle. All vehicles are sold as-is unless otherwise specified. I have done my best to accurately describe this vehicle. It is up to the buyer to come see and further inspect the car before the end of the auction.-->http://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/MTIwMlgxNjAw/z/qWYAAOSwoydWl~Z3/$_5.JPGhttp://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/MTIwMlgxNjAw/z/qWYAAOSwoydWl~Z3/$_16.JPGhttp://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/MTA5M1gxNDUz/z/C4MAAOSwX~dWl~aA/$_5.JPGhttp://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/MTA5M1gxNDUz/z/C4MAAOSwX~dWl~aA/$_16.JPGhttp://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/MTIwMVgxNjAw/z/4HEAAOSwHaBWl~aN/$_5.JPGhttp://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/MTIwMVgxNjAw/z/4HEAAOSwHaBWl~aN/$_16.JPGhttp://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/MTE5OFgxNjAw/z/yaMAAOSwaA5Wl~at/$_5.JPGhttp://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/MTE5OFgxNjAw/z/yaMAAOSwaA5Wl~at/$_16.JPGhttp://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/MTIwMFgxNjAw/z/y4cAAOSwaA5Wl~a5/$_5.JPGhttp://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/MTIwMFgxNjAw/z/y4cAAOSwaA5Wl~a5/$_16.JPGhttp://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/MTE5OFgxNjAw/z/QfkAAOSwKtlWl~bD/$_5.JPGhttp://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/MTE5OFgxNjAw/z/QfkAAOSwKtlWl~bD/$_16.JPGhttp://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/MTE5OVgxNjAw/z/eh0AAOSw5dNWl~bs/$_5.JPGhttp://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/MTE5OVgxNjAw/z/eh0AAOSw5dNWl~bs/$_16.JPGhttp://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/MTIwMFgxNjAw/z/Sb4AAOSwKtlWl~b~/$_5.JPGhttp://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/MTIwMFgxNjAw/z/Sb4AAOSwKtlWl~b~/$_16.JPGhttp://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/MTE5OVgxNjAw/z/9ZYAAOSwHaBWl~cS/$_5.JPGhttp://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/MTE5OVgxNjAw/z/9ZYAAOSwHaBWl~cS/$_16.JPGhttp://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/MTIwMFgxNjAw/z/fGcAAOSwa-dWl~dv/$_5.JPGhttp://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/MTIwMFgxNjAw/z/fGcAAOSwa-dWl~dv/$_16.JPGhttp://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/MTE5OVgxNjAw/z/BWYAAOSwHaBWl~d7/$_5.JPGhttp://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/MTE5OVgxNjAw/z/BWYAAOSwHaBWl~d7/$_16.JPGhttp://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/MTE5OVgxNjAw/z/XzgAAOSwKtlWl~eN/$_5.JPGhttp://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/MTE5OVgxNjAw/z/XzgAAOSwKtlWl~eN/$_16.JPGhttp://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/MTE5N1gxNjAw/z/3VYAAOSwJkJWl~fz/$_5.JPGhttp://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/MTE5N1gxNjAw/z/3VYAAOSwJkJWl~fz/$_16.JPGhttp://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/MTIwMFgxNjAw/z/jjsAAOSwL7VWl~gC/$_5.JPGhttp://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/MTIwMFgxNjAw/z/jjsAAOSwL7VWl~gC/$_16.JPGhttp://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/MTIwMFgxNjAw/z/c-QAAOSwKtlWl~gS/$_5.JPGhttp://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/MTIwMFgxNjAw/z/c-QAAOSwKtlWl~gS/$_16.JPGhttp://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/MTIwMFgxNjAw/z/kiUAAOSwL7VWl~gn/$_5.JPGhttp://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/MTIwMFgxNjAw/z/kiUAAOSwL7VWl~gn/$_16.JPGhttp://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/MTIwMFgxNjAw/z/ciIAAOSwLN5Wl~g8/$_5.JPGhttp://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/MTIwMFgxNjAw/z/ciIAAOSwLN5Wl~g8/$_16.JPGhttp://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/MTIwMFgxNjAw/z/yAIAAOSwJkJWl~c5/$_5.JPGhttp://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/MTIwMFgxNjAw/z/yAIAAOSwJkJWl~c5/$_16.JPGhttp://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/MTIwMVgxNjAw/z/u3AAAOSwJkJWl~bd/$_5.JPGhttp://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/MTIwMVgxNjAw/z/u3AAAOSwJkJWl~bd/$_16.JPGhttp://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/MTIwMVgxNjAw/z/42gAAOSwHaBWl~ad/$_5.JPGhttp://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/MTIwMVgxNjAw/z/42gAAOSwHaBWl~ad/$_16.JPGhttp://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/MTIwMFgxNjAw/z/rB0AAOSwGotWl~hq/$_5.JPGhttp://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/MTIwMFgxNjAw/z/rB0AAOSwGotWl~hq/$_16.JPGhttp://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/MTIwMFgxNjAw/z/UOkAAOSwX~dWl~h5/$_5.JPGhttp://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/MTIwMFgxNjAw/z/UOkAAOSwX~dWl~h5/$_16.JPGhttp://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/MTIwMFgxNjAw/z/YxsAAOSwwPhWl~iG/$_5.JPGhttp://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/MTIwMFgxNjAw/z/YxsAAOSwwPhWl~iG/$_16.JPGhttp://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/MTE5OVgxNjAw/z/GxAAAOSwJkJWl~n-/$_5.JPGhttp://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/MTE5OVgxNjAw/z/GxAAAOSwJkJWl~n-/$_16.JPGhttp://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/MTIwMFgxNjAw/z/Jk4AAOSwZG9Wl~pG/$_5.JPGhttp://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/MTIwMFgxNjAw/z/Jk4AAOSwZG9Wl~pG/$_16.JPGhttp://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/MTIwMVgxNjAw/z/rbsAAOSwLN5Wl~og/$_5.JPGhttp://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/MTIwMVgxNjAw/z/rbsAAOSwLN5Wl~og/$_16.JPGhttp://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/MTIwMFgxNjAw/z/r-8AAOSwLN5Wl~oz/$_5.JPGhttp://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/MTIwMFgxNjAw/z/r-8AAOSwLN5Wl~oz/$_16.JPGhttp://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/MTIwMVgxNjAw/z/cSgAAOSwL7VWl~cg/$_5.JPGhttp://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/MTIwMVgxNjAw/z/cSgAAOSwL7VWl~cg/$_16.JPGhttp://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/MTE5OVgxNjAw/z/k-8AAOSwFqJWl~co/$_5.JPGhttp://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/MTE5OVgxNjAw/z/k-8AAOSwFqJWl~co/$_16.JPGhttp://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/MTIwMVgxNjAw/z/PYUAAOSwwPhWl~dM/$_5.JPGhttp://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/MTIwMVgxNjAw/z/PYUAAOSwwPhWl~dM/$_16.JPGhttp://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/MTIwMFgxNjAw/z/ARIAAOSwHaBWl~dc/$_5.JPGhttp://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/MTIwMFgxNjAw/z/ARIAAOSwHaBWl~dc/$_16.JPGhttp://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/MTIwMVgxNjAw/z/hOcAAOSwa-dWl~em/$_5.JPGhttp://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/MTIwMVgxNjAw/z/hOcAAOSwa-dWl~em/$_16.JPGhttp://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/MTIwMFgxNjAw/z/OBIAAOSwX~dWl~e4/$_5.JPGhttp://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/MTIwMFgxNjAw/z/OBIAAOSwX~dWl~e4/$_16.JPGhttp://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/MTIwMFgxNjAw/z/ZUIAAOSwLN5Wl~fK/$_5.JPGhttp://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/MTIwMFgxNjAw/z/ZUIAAOSwLN5Wl~fK/$_16.JPGhttp://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/MTE5OVgxNjAw/z/Tm4AAOSwwPhWl~fY/$_5.JPGhttp://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/MTE5OVgxNjAw/z/Tm4AAOSwwPhWl~fY/$_16.JPGhttp://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/MTIwMFgxNjAw/z/fGwAAOSwLN5Wl~ia/$_5.JPGhttp://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/MTIwMFgxNjAw/z/fGwAAOSwLN5Wl~ia/$_16.JPGhttp://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/MTIwMFgxNjAw/z/t4gAAOSw5dNWl~jV/$_5.JPGhttp://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/MTIwMFgxNjAw/z/t4gAAOSw5dNWl~jV/$_16.JPGhttp://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/MTIwMFgxNjAw/z/-AEAAOSwJkJWl~jj/$_5.JPGhttp://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/MTIwMFgxNjAw/z/-AEAAOSwJkJWl~jj/$_16.JPGhttp://i.eb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LOW MILES!! CLEAN HISTORY!! PORSCHE 928S4!! EXTREMELY WELL MAINTAINED!!Year1988MakePorscheModel928VINWP0JB0922JS860653Stock Number860653Mileage71935TransmissionAutomaticEngine8 Cylinder, 5.0 LExterior ColorBlackInterior ColorBlackTitleClear1988 PORSCHE 928 S4!!MINT CONDITION!!VERY LOW MILES!!GT REAR SPOILER!!OPTIONAL REAR AC!!LEATHER SEATING!!PLUSH CARPETING!!SUNROOF!!16" CHROME ALLOY WHEELS!!FULL POWER EVERYTHING!!POWERFUL 32V 5.0L 8-CYL 315HP MOTOR!!OVER $15,240 SPENT ON REPAIRS SINCE OCTOBER 2011!!RECENT SERVICE HISTORY AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST!!TIMING BELT AND TENSIONOR RECENTLY REPLACED!!RECENTLY REPLACED TIRES!!ORIGINAL TOOL KIT AND TIRE INFLATOR!! ORIGINAL OWNERS MANUALS, AND FLOORMATS INCLUDED!!PLEASE CALL NOW FOR MORE INFORMATION!!BUY WITH CONFIDENCE FROM AN EXPERIENCED AUTO DEALER!!IF THIS IS WHAT YOU ARE LOOKING FOR, THEN HIT THE BUY IT NOW!!OR COME ON IN AND TAKE A TEST DRIVE, YOU WON'T BE DISAPPOINTED!!PLEASE LOOK AT ALL OF THE PICTURES WE HAVE PROVIDED IN OUR LISTING!!CONTACT ME WITH ANY QUESTIONS THAT YOU MAY HAVE AT (954) 784-8410 AND ASK FOR DUSTIN!!*NORMAL WEAR AND TEAR OR MINOR SCRATCHES AND DINGS SHOULD BE EXPECTED ON PRE-OWNED VEHICLES*AS IS - No Warranty Winning bidder must contact us within 24 hours of auction end, and make arrangements for payment at that time. A $1,000.00 deposit is due within 24 hours of end of auction. The remainder is due within 7 days of auction end. If no contact is made within 24 hours we reserve the right to re-list the vehicle, sell it to the next high bidder, or sell it otherwise. Most banks and credit unions do not finance vehicles older than 2005 or with more than 100K miles. Make sure if financing that your financial institution accepts the year and miles of this vehicle before bidding. Please arrange financing prior to bidding. If you wish to have the vehicle inspected, please contact us to make arrangements prior to biding on or making an offer on the vehicle. If you win an auction or we accept an offer you have made, the vehicle is yours. There will be no post-sale inspections allowed. $395.00 USD Dealer Fee applies to All vehicles sold, no exceptions. Buyer is responsible for pickup or shipping of this vehicle. If you wish to have it shipped using a service, we recommend you search online for vehcile shippers or we can assisit you in finding a shipper.If you are not sure about something, please ask! Do not assume anything not listed is included. We reserve the right to cancel bids for excessive negative feedback. We reserve the right to end the listing if the vehicle is no longer available for sale. Please do not bid on this auction unless you are serious about owning this vehicle. All non-paying high bidders will be reported to eBay, and negative feedback will be posted. PLEASE ONLY BID WHAT YOU ARE WILLING TO PAY. IF THE RESERVE IS NOT MET, WE MAY CONTACT THE HIGH BIDDER TO OFFER THE SECOND CHANCE OPTION. Fee and Tax Information: Dealer Fee $395.00 Local Taxes and Registration Fees Apply in the State of Florida. We are a licensed Florida dealer that concentrates on wholesale transactions. We specialize in late model european cars with no stories. We buy and sell pristine automobiles. Hans Kasierski has over 52 years experience in the automobile business and as founder of Can Am Motorcars and former dealer principal of Downtown Fine Cars in Toronto Canada (Porsche, Audi, Volkswagen) still adheres today to high integrity and honesty in all business transactions. Dustin Coploff has over 18 years experience in the automobile business has extensive experience in luxury automobiles. Honesty and integrity are high priority in business and personal agenda. Your satisfaction during and after your purcahse are utmost important factor in all of our dealings!! Our company has been in the same location for over 19 years and plan to stay providing you with high quality autos, integrity and service satisfaction for many years to come. Thanks in advance for your business, we hope to serve you soon!!This auction is a legally binding contract to buy this vehicle. All vehicles are sold as-is unless otherwise specified. I have done my best to accurately describe this vehicle. It is up to the buyer to come see and further inspect the car before the end of the auction.-->

Trim S4 Coupe 2 Door

Porsche : 928 1988 porsche 928 s 4 mint condition 77 204 original low miles

Porsche : 928 1988 porsche 928 s 4 mint condition 77 204 original low miles


Odessa, Florida

Year 1988

Make Porsche

Model 928

Category Hatchback

Mileage 77204

Posted Over 1 Month

1988 Porsche 928 S4. Garage kept with battery tender and cover. The car has 77204 original low miles and is excellent condition. It runs awesome and is a real head turner. It sounds mean with a RMB exhaust system. In the last year it has had a new timing belt, water pump, tensioner and all the other belts changed. A new starter, caps, rotors, coils, wires, plugs, injectors and a K & N air filter were also changed. It has a recently installed Alpine receiver/ head unit UTE52B with a 100 watt Rockville powered sub woofer. Tires are like new. New steering rack and 4 wheel alignment. New replacement radiator fans.The power moonroof, power seats, ac system, power windows, headlights etc all work fine. I had the taillights tinted to give it a meaner look! The car has NO odors of any kind and from what we can see has never been smoked in. It has no pet odor, no mildew odor only the faint smell of rich leather. The car starts with ease, idles cleanly and has no smoke or leaks. It has a perfectly smooth power band and accelerates like a rocket through all of the automatic transmission silky speeds. There is no sign of any mechanical issues or problems when driving this car. Handling is tight, smooth and clean like a Porsche should be and the car does not wander, pull or exhibit any untoward handling characteristics at any speed. Ride is smooth yet firm and the car is equally adept at being a long distance cruiser or a curve eating monster. The car is truly one of the nicest examples you will come across and I strongly encourage potential buyers to come and view the car in person. Since January of last year, Hagerty has tracked the almost meteoric rise in values of the 928 and the trend shows to be spiking again since September of 2015 as the shortage of quality examples becomes more evident. Condition ! vehicles are valued at $41,500 USD and Condition 2 cars at $26,900 USD. This 928 S4 is a presentation of a well-maintained, lovingly cared for, and carefully driven vehicle ready for its new home. You may remember an early Tom Cruise movie, Risky Business where his character, the young entrepreneur Joel Goodson looks at the 928 and states "There is no substitute"! With that utterance of that phrase a million young men rushed to purchase posters of the very car used in the movie and the rest of the world learned what automotive journalist had known for years-the 928 was a true World Class Sports car with touring capabilities to set it apart from the 911.

Porsche : 928 S4 1987 porsche 928 s 4 supercharged

Porsche : 928 S4 1987 porsche 928 s 4 supercharged


Santa Rosa Beach, Florida

Year 1987

Make Porsche

Model 928

Category Hatchback

Mileage 92800

Posted Over 1 Month

With much regret, up for grabs is my 1987 Porsche 928 S4. I am the 2nd owner of the car in which I purchased in 2002. Always parked in the garage and not a daily driver. No expense has been spared in the reconditioning and upgrading of most all the mechanicals in this car. Mechanically the car is well sorted and runs very strong. A Murf Stage III supercharger was installed after a engine pull and complete rebuild in 2009 at approx. 80,000 miles along with the following items: Wheels - Porsche OEM hollow spoke with Michelin Pilot Sports 225/40/ZR18 Front, 295/30/ZR18 Rear (65% tread life left), Front and Rear Ott Drop links (purchased from 928's R US), Rear Axle CV joints rebuilt in 2010, Torque Tube rebuilt in 2009 by 928 International, Rebuilt MAF sensor installed 2009, Top end refresh with intake, valve cover power coat 2009, 044 Bosch Fuel Pump with added relay ,A/C - Original R-12 system Blows Very Cold (rear a/c has been disconnected), Steering rack rebuilt in 2011, All new throttle cables, hoses, coolant tank, steering pump fluid tank, charcoal canister, new "O" rings, dryer, and expansion valve for AC system, etc. etc. Super Clamp by Black Sea (Crank end play checked every year and within spec.) Windows, locks, 12 way seats, sunroof, hatch release, interior and exterior lights all 100% functional. Also an aftermarket stereo with subwoofer, and 10 speaker system all hidden under the back deck. Recent items completed this year; New Laso water pump, PorKen tensioner system, timing belt, all new belts including supercharger belt (also heater control valve) (Greg Brown fuel lines) Rebuilt transmission with rebuilt LSD from Greg Brown at Precision MotorWerks (new tranny mounts, TV cable) (New Greg Brown tranny cooler lines) Alignment done by Porsche of Destin Aug. 2015 New Interstate Battery Aug. 2015 The list above is far from complete, if you are interested please call for additional details. David at 615-419-9085

Trim 2 Door Coupe

Porsche : 928 S4 V8 MINT 928S Package Tons of Documentation and Service History Clean Title

Porsche : 928 S4 V8 MINT 928S Package Tons of Documentation and Service History Clean Title


Miami, Florida

Year 1987

Make Porsche

Model 928

Category Hatchback

Mileage 138000

Posted Over 1 Month

1987 PORSCHE 928 S MINT ALL ORIGINAL GRAND PRIX WHITE PAINTCLEAN TITLE WITH A PERFECTLY CLEAN CARFAXENGINE: 5.0L V8 FI DOHC 32VACTUAL AND ORIGINAL DOCUMENTED MILESDRIVES LIKE A DREAMSMOOTH AND TIGHTA/C IS PERFECTEVERTHING WORKS AS IT SHOULDTIRES AND WHEELS FLAWLESS.UPGRADED PANASONIC STEREOLEATHER IS SOFT AND FIRM (NO TEARS RIPS ANYWHERE) Tons of Documentation and Manuals, Serviced Records, Extra Parts1987's 928 S4 was fastest non-turbocharged production car in the world. SERIOUS INQUIRIES PLEASE CALL:TONY 305-988-3092PETE 305-772-8635 Car is located in Miami, Florida 33156Can Ship Worldwide Upon RequestTrades Welcomed, Cars, Trucks, BoatsFinancing Available Call for Details

Trim 2 Door Coupe

Porsche : 928 928S 84 porshe 928 s

Porsche : 928 928S 84 porshe 928 s


Port Charlotte, Florida

Year 1984

Make Porsche

Model 928

Category Hatchback

Mileage 67685

Posted Over 1 Month

a real nice sports car for being 31 years old, original paint shines like new, A/C just serviced, tires like new, everything works, A GREAT BUY.

Trim S

Porsche : 928 S 1983 porsche 928 s 4.7 l v 8 automatic coupe runs needs tlc

Porsche : 928 S 1983 porsche 928 s 4.7 l v 8 automatic coupe runs needs tlc


Fort Lauderdale, Florida

Year 1983

Make Porsche

Model 928

Category Hatchback

Mileage 80140

Posted Over 1 Month

Freddy Gibson 954-588-4204 4651 SW 51st ST • Suite #803 Davie Florida 33314 ? ? ? ? ?Directions to Dealer ?Contact Us 1983 Porsche 928 S Signature Motorsports Contact Signature Motorsports Corp 4651 SW 51st ST Suite #803 Davie Florida 33314 View Map Ask for:Freddy Gibson Primary Phone:954-588-4204 Contact: ?Contact Us Vehicle Information VIN: WP0JB0925DS860649 Stock: Mileage: 80,140 Color: Brown Trans: Engine: 4.7L V8 MPG: Drivetrain: RWD Description THANK YOU FOR YOUR INTEREST IN OUR VEHICLE. FOR MORE INFORMATION PLEASE CONTACT OUR SALES TEAM AT 954.588.4204 OR YOU CAN EMAIL US AT [email protected] ... ALL OUR INVENTORY CAN BE VIEWED AT WWW.SIGNATUREMOTORSPORTS.COM Options and Standard Features Basic Information VIN Number: WP0JB0925DS860649 Model Year: 1983 Make: Porsche Model: 928 Style Name: 2 Dr Hatchback Vehicle Trim: S HATCHBACK Body Type: 2Dr Hatchback Exterior Color: Brown Interior Color: Tan Engine Engine Description: 4.7L V8 Fuel Type: Gas Fuel Induction: FI Valves Per Cylinder: 2 Aspiration: Normal DriveTrain Drive Train Type: RWD ? ? Terms & Conditions Your bid constitutes a legally binding contract to purchase this vehicle. Please do not bid if you're not seriously interested or financially able to purchase this vehicle. Please read eBay's User Agreement. Please note, all winning bids will charged a Dealer Fee of $489.00 We reserve the right to cancel any and all bids at our discretion, or end the auction early if vehicle is no longer available for sale. Signature Motorsports Corp. has done our best to disclose all information known about this vehicle for auction. Signature Motorsports Corp. welcomes a buyer’s inspection. If you plan to have a buyers inspection, please make sure you inspect the vehicle prior to the auction ending. Inspection fees if any are Buyers responsibility. This vehicle is being sold "as is” without any warranty, either expressed or implied. Manufacturers’ warranties may still apply. No representations or warranties are made by seller, nor are any representations or warranties relied upon by bidders in making bids. Out of state buyers are responsible for all state, county, city taxes and fees, as well as title service fees in the state that the vehicle will be registered. All taxes and fees must be paid in full in order for vehicle to be titled and registered. If payment is made by cashier's checks or wire transfer we will hold all titles funds have cleared We do not ship, but we recommend a partner, VETERAN TRANSPORT LOGISTICS At VETERAN TRANSPORT LOGISTICS, they specialize in moving just about any type of vehicle. So be it your stylish new sports sedan or SUV (Sports Utility Vehicle), a vintage or a luxurious car, everything can be safely transported to your desired destination in a hassle-free way. In fact, their area of operations goes beyond national borders and extends to number of foreign countries. Call Daniel at 561-900-5182 to get free auto transport Quote. Fee and Tax Information: We require a $500.00 Paypal deposit upon BUY IT NOW completion of the listing, that deposit is NON REFUNDABLE. We are not responsible if your financing doesn't go through as planned or if your funds are not available to complete transaction within the given time agreed on purchase. Copyright © 2015 Auction123 - All rights reserved. - Disclaimer +- Auction123 (a service and listing/software company) and the Seller has done his/her best to disclose the equipment/condition of this vehicle/purchase. However, Auction123 disclaims any warranty as to the accuracy or to the working condition of the vehicle/equipment listed. The purchaser or prospective purchaser should verify with the Seller the accuracy of all the information listed within this ad. Selling a Vehicle? Create Professional Listings Fast and Easy. Click Here!

Porsche : 928 GTS Coupe 2-Door 1994 porsche 928 gts coupe 2 door 5.4 l

Porsche : 928 GTS Coupe 2-Door 1994 porsche 928 gts coupe 2 door 5.4 l


Winter Park, Florida

Year 1994

Make Porsche

Model 928

Category Hatchback

Mileage 78253

Posted Over 1 Month

This is a Rare Porsche 928 GTS with a Manual Transmission and a Sunroof. This vehicle is a 1 owner car with only 78k miles. With only 128 made in the 3 years of production with 5 speed transmission, it makes this vehicle one of the rarest Porsches ever made!!!! This is the legendary Grand Tourer of the Road and also the fastest luxury and high performance car of it's day. Equipped with a 5.4 liter, 8 cylinder 345 HP DOHC with 4 valves per cylinder, force sensitive power steering, power vented disc brakes, variable LSD Differential, 17" lightweight factory cup rims, power sunroof, automatic speed control, am/fm radio with cd player, 10 speaker system,and central locking system. It also includes heated seats left and right, sport shocks, lumbar support driver and passenger seats. This vehicles are way more sought now and popular today than when they were made. The exhaust roar and the clatter of the 32 valves makes this vehicle a "must" have for any Man's Cave. There are very few of the original 5 speeds left on the streets, so now is the time to buy this gorgeous vehicle. We have all service records, including owners manual, tool box and air compressor. Don't miss the opportunity of owning a Rare Collector car. If you have any questions feel free to call Rick Vimmerstedt @ 4078324044.

Trim GTS Coupe 2 Door

Porsche : 928 S4 Coupe 2-Door 1988 porsche 928 s 4 coupe 2 door 5.0 l

Porsche : 928 S4 Coupe 2-Door 1988 porsche 928 s 4 coupe 2 door 5.0 l


Tavernier, Florida

Year 1988

Make Porsche

Model 928

Category Hatchback

Mileage 135000

Posted Over 1 Month

Hi, I’m selling my 1988 Porsche 928 S4. I have decided to move onto a 911 from the last few years or so, and must let go of my beloved 928! She has been garage kept her whole life and it shows. Paint is in lovely condition. She runs like a champ too, starts fast and runs beautifully. Most of the big ticket items of a 928 have been tackled already and this car is daily-driver ready (And is in fact mine!) The car is in really great shape with just enough room for some small projects to make it your own (see below). It currently has about 135K miles on it. The car was a customer ordered unit and a German delivered import, so it has the metric dash for speed and mileage. I have purchased a Carfax report from June 3rd 2015 to save you the time and $$. Just ask I will email it to you. If you want to do your own, here is the VIN: WP0JB0921JS861440. I am asking $10,500 Please feel free to call with questions or to come take a look. Car is in Clearwater/largo during the day and Treasure Island evenings/weekends. Call and ask for Charles. Please do not contact with offers to trade, or with offers to help sell or list the car. Here’s what is already done and what’s new 1. water pump replaced 2. timing belt replaced 3. transmission replaced with a rebuilt unit 4. brand new battery 5. fuel sending unit replaced 6. gas evaporative Y connector replaced 7. lights/electrics are all refreshed 8. Oil change about 100 miles ago (always changed at 6 month intervals by a Porsche guy!) 9. brand new interstate battery 10. brand new BF Goodrich Comp Sport 2 tires (less than 400 miles on them) 11. windshield wiper motor replaced 12. 2 new cold air intakes 13. New air filter 14. Plugs/wires/cap/rotor just checked at last oil change 15. Brakes were done about 1100 miles ago and still look/feel new (hawk performance pads and Zimmerman premium rotors) 16. Alloy wheels 17. New smaller momo steering wheel (I’m a little too tall for the oem one) Here’s what the car comes with parts wise: 1. Seat gears (See below) 2. Seat controller ($400 part! – see below) 3. Mirror controller switch (haven’t installed yet) 4. Body trim pieces 5. Porsche Oil filters and crush rings (save some $$ at your oil changes) 6. All manuals with service information 7. Receipts and paperwork going back 10 years for EVERYTHING 8. Original 928 wheels with 4 decent all seasons on them 9. I am including a wall mount tire rack if you want it, worth $100 10. I bought a new airpump for the spare 11. Otherwise comes with ALL the OEM stuff (tool kit, collapsible spare, jack etc) 12. Original steering wheel Here’s what it needs: 1. Rearview mirror controller installed (easy!) 2. Driver’s seat doesn’t recline electronically (gears and controller came from previous owner) but otherwise works great (fwd/back/heat/lumbar all ok). Repair or wait until December and replace for $250 from 928 international during their Christmas sale (passenger side has no issues) 3. Maybe a newer radio if you want Bluetooth or Sirius? Works fine though…. 4. Dash instrument pod has some small cracks from front to back 5. Dash has some leather pushed up around vents 6. Really, that’s it!

Trim S4 Coupe 2 Door

Porsche : 928 Base Coupe 2-Door 1979 porsche 928 manual

Porsche : 928 Base Coupe 2-Door 1979 porsche 928 manual


Miami, Florida

Year 1979

Make Porsche

Model 928

Category Hatchback

Mileage 36

Posted Over 1 Month

1979 PORSCHE 928 5 SPEED MANUAL. Beautiful Green color, and green PASHA interior, very rare. The car is a real pleasure to drive. The V8 just sounds great. The car is quite quick. The gearbox shifts through the gears nicely. Clutch pedal feel is good. The brakes slow the car down quickly with no drama. The car is rock steady at higher speeds. If I had to travel long distances, quickly, this would be a wonderful car to do it in. Porsche 928s are the next hit, says Hemmings. (visit Hemmings web site, and look for Porsche 928 Articles)Please don't hesitate to contact me with any questions. Car is sold AS IS and WHERE IS. We encourage bidders to come and inspect the car. We will not accept complains if the car is not inspected, you need to consider that this is a 1979 car ,and we can not give guaranty warranty whatsoever.

Trim Base Coupe 2 Door

Porsche : 928 928S 1986 porsche 928 s 928

Porsche : 928 928S 1986 porsche 928 s 928


Hollywood, Florida

Year 1986

Make Porsche

Model 928

Category Hatchback

Mileage 65000

Posted Over 1 Month

65k miles, engine runs great, A/C blows cold, good tires, needs interior done, new A/C evaporator, rear A/C ,new timing belt etc...located in South Florida zip 33179 , buyer responsible for pickup/shipping etc...payment by CASH in hand, certified check , NO PAYPAL, NO PERSONAL CHECKTks

Trim S

Porsche : 928 base coupe 2door gold porsche 928 with automatic transmission.

Porsche : 928 base coupe 2door gold porsche 928 with automatic transmission.


Port St. Lucie, Florida

Year 1982

Make Porsche

Model 928

Category Hatchback

Mileage 43000

Posted Over 1 Month

Condition: as shown in pictures... Car for restoration. Purchased to fix, but have not enough time for it and too many other projects. Car is originally from Texas...Seems complete... Car will need to be towed... Picked up after full payment... I will not ship. Payment can be cash.... or paypal....

Trim base coupe 2door

Porsche : 928 GREAT COLOR CONBINATION / LOW MILES  928 s 4 58 000 actual miles black on red interior

Porsche : 928 GREAT COLOR CONBINATION / LOW MILES 928 s 4 58 000 actual miles black on red interior


Miami, Florida

Year 1986

Make Porsche

Model 928

Category Hatchback

Mileage 58355

Posted Over 1 Month

1986 Porsche 928S4 was recently found in Naples Florida in a garage with a car cover were it was parked for over 10 years. Miles are only 58,000 actual-The car has not been started for 10 years,needs fuel tank to be cleaned,battery and more. Please take a look @ the pics and you will see the old school Pirelli p7 cinturato original tires Paint appears to be in good condition due but needs buff and wax Interior is in good condition , the leather is soft and nice , but the rear speaker panels need attention Comes with 2 original keys and spare tire ... Will not accept any offers unless i speak with you first . Clear title on hand

Trim 2 Door Coupe

Porsche : 928 2 Door Coupe 928 s 4 58 000 actual miles black on red interior

Porsche : 928 2 Door Coupe 928 s 4 58 000 actual miles black on red interior


Miami, Florida

Year 1986

Make Porsche

Model 928

Category Hatchback

Mileage 58355

Posted Over 1 Month

1986 Porsche 928s was recently found in Naples Florida in a garage with a car cover were it was parked for over 10 years. Miles are only 58,000 actual-The car has not been started for 10 years,needs fuel tank to be cleaned,battery and more. Please take a look @ the pics and you will see the old school Pirelli p7 cinturato original tires Paint appears to be in good condition due but needs buff and wax Interior is in good condition , the leather is soft and nice , but the rear speaker panels need attention Comes with 2 original keys and spare tire ... Will not accept any offers unless i speak with you first .

Trim 2 Door Coupe